SAGE data has been derived for two populations of C. elegans. A dauer population and a population of C. elegans at mixed stages. For more information about the SAGE protocol see
Update The current analysis differs slightly from the data presented in Jones et. al. "Changes in Gene Expression Associated with developmental arrest and longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans"
Specifically, for the dauer specific genes listed in table 3.
T21D12.11 Now only has 1 dauer;0 mixed tags (p=0.24) instead of 26 dauer;0 mixed previously.
T26C11.2 Now has no SAGE tags associated, as opposed to 53 dauer, 0 mixed.
W05F2.1 A total of 6 tags attributable dauer 4, mixed 2.
Y2H9A.3 only a single tag (dauer 1, mixed 0) is now observed (dauer 31,mixed 0 previously).
Thanks to Garth Patterson for helping with these corrections.
Data from this experiment is available here The fields in this tab-delimited file are:-
"B0047.3" "CATGGGGCTGGAGT" 1 2 0.544712 "B0047.3"We see that for B0047.3 we have a tag which unambiguosly can be assigned to B0047.3 and so the dauer and mixed data are applicable to B0047.3. In the following case,
"B0205.6" "CATGCCTCTGAAAT" 72 30 4.3e-05 "B0205.7" "aminotransferase"Although, the gene B0205.6 does have this tag sequence in its transcript sequence. The tag actually correlates, unambiguously, with B0205.7, so the dauer and mixed data in this case do not have anything to do with B0205.6. In the following case,
"B0205.1" "CATGGCCTAGAAAC" 2 4 0.391668We have a tag which could belong to B0205.1, but it cannot be mapped unambiguously. So there is nothing much we can do with this observation at present.